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#1810 AS3 Decompiling problem + Source code of the file so you can see what to fix
Author: user Colly
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Windows 10 Pro , JPEXS version 15.1.0 Hi! I`ve ben trying to edit a class in my swf file but after i compile it and run it it doesnt work! The problem might be in the function that starts on line 135! That is what does not work after compiling again. After a while i also got the actual file from the source code so you can do a comparation and fix the bugs!
What exactly does not work? Is there any error message from flash player? Or just the game works weird? Also the SWF file would be handy. I cannot compile the .as file myself to test it.
Well you could see the differences of code in the images and when i run the code that was decompiled by FFDec doesnt work because its not the same thing
Oh, I see now. Could you please attach the SWF file? I am afraid I cannot fix it without it.
Hi again, I think I found the original file, it's from Old tanks - Tanki Online Mod. I downloaded the SWF here: Am I correct? I fixed few bugs in the ActionScript editor, now it should be better.
State: new→upgraded
I mean in nightly 2271.
State: upgraded→closed